i would like to place a context menu onto a NSTableView
. this part is done. what i would liek to do is to show different menu entries based on the content of the ri
Here is an example setting up an NSOutlineView programmatically within a view controller. This is all the plumbing you need to get the context menu up and running. No subclassing required.
I had previously subclassed NSOutlineView to override menu(for event: NSEvent), but came to a simpler set-up with the help of Graham's answer here and Warren's answer above.
class OutlineViewController: NSViewController
// ...
var outlineView: NSOutlineView!
var contextMenu: NSMenu!
override func viewDidLoad()
// ...
outlineView = NSOutlineView()
contextMenu = NSMenu()
contextMenu.delegate = self
outlineView.menu = contextMenu
extension OutlineViewController: NSMenuDelegate
func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) {
// clickedRow catches the right-click here
print("menuNeedsUpdate called. Clicked Row: \(outlineView.clickedRow)")
// ... Flesh out the context menu here