i would like to place a context menu onto a NSTableView
. this part is done. what i would liek to do is to show different menu entries based on the content of the ri
Edit: The better way to do this than the below method is using delegate as shown in the accepted answer.
You can subclass your UITableView and implement menuForEvent:
-(NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event{
if (event.type==NSRightMouseDown) {
if (self.selectedColumn == 0 || self.selectedColumn ==1) {
return nil;
}else {
//create NSMenu programmatically or get a IBOutlet from one created in IB
NSMenu *menu=[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Custom"];
//code to set the menu items
//Instead of the following line get the value from your datasource array/dictionary
//I used this as I don't know how you have implemented your datasource, but this will also work
NSString *deleteValue = [[self preparedCellAtColumn:1 row:self.selectedRow] title];
NSString *deleteString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Delete %@",deleteValue];
NSMenuItem *deleteItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:deleteString action:@selector(deleteAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[menu addItem:deleteItem];
//save item
[menu addItem:saveItem];
return menu;
return nil;
That should do it. I haven't tried out the code though. But this should give you an idea.