I\'m using arbor.js to create a graph.
How do I create an onclick
event for a node, or make a node link somewhere upon being clicked?
The Arborjs.or
In the script renderer.js
is the handler for the mouse events, so you can add your code to create your functions.
I modified the renderer.js
to add the click and double-click functions.
var handler = {
var pos = $(canvas).offset();
_mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);
if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = true
$(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
$(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped)
$(canvas).bind('mouseup', handler.mypersonalfunction)
if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return
if (dragged.node !== null){
dragged.node.fixed = false
var id=dragged.node.name;
alert('Node selected: ' + id);
return false
You can check the clic and double-click functions in this page.
I add nodes and edges when a node has been clicked and I add edges to other nodes when the node has been double-clicked (the blue
and green