I looked around and it seems that the problem is present not only for tree widget but also for other widgets. But in my case, I found a solution, although an incomplete one. I a
Take a look at overloading QAbstractItemModel and providing your own OnContextMenuRequested. Via this function you can have different items create different context menus.
Here's some shortened pseudo-ish code from one of my projects that may be helpful:
void MyModel::OnContextMenuRequested(const QModelIndex& index, const QPoint& globalPos)
// find 'node' corresponding to 'index'
vector > actions = node->GetActions(true);
if(actions.size()==0) return;
// the ptr list helps us delete the actions
boost::ptr_list actionPtrList;
QList qtActions;
for(unsigned int i=0;isetData(qVariantFromValue(actions[i].second));
// create and show the context menu
QMenu *menu = new QMenu("Item actions",NULL);
QAction* act = menu->exec(qtActions,globalPos);
if(act==NULL) return;
// act on the resulting action 'act'