I have set up my models to use a polymorphic Image model. This is working fine, however I am wondering if it is possible to change the :styles setting for each model. Found some
Looking at the Paperclip source for Attachment it looks like the styles
hash can take an object that responds to call
so you may be able to do something like:
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true
has_attached_file :file, :styles => lambda {|attachment| attachment.instance.imageable_type.constantize.image_styles }
Then in any model that has many images:
class Art < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :images, :as => :imageable
def self.image_styles
{ :thumb => "150x150>", :normal => "492x600>" }
Edit: Looks like someone else beat me to it :P.