I am trying to use the R implementation of dygraphs
The example provided is
dygraph(presidents, main = \"Presidential Approval\") %>
Much of Dygraphs customization occurs in CSS
styling. For example, here is how we can change the default tooltip behavior. With this in mind and a little help from Dygraphs annotation documentation, we can do something like this for the first question.
# answers Stack Overflow question
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27671576/how-can-i-get-tooltips-showing-in-dygraphs-without-annotation
# on how to customize annotations
# question is two parts - let's handle part 1 first
dygraph(presidents, main = "Presidential Approval") %>%
dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(0, 100)) %>%
dyAnnotation("1950-7-1", text = "Korea", tooltip = ""
# this is not necessary but think it better to be specific
,cssClass = "specialAnnotation") %>%
# will leave this as before
dyAnnotation("1965-1-1", text = "Vietnam", tooltip = "") -> dyG
#this is a hack to set css directly
# dyCSS designed to read a text css file
dyG$x$css = "
/* if cssClass not assigned use .dygraphDefaultAnnotation */
/* !important is critical for the rules to be applied */
.specialAnnotation {
overflow: visible !important;
width: initial !important;
for the second question, here is one way we can accomplish this
# now for part 2
dyG = dygraph(presidents, main = "Presidential Approval") %>%
dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(0, 100))
tooltips = list(
list(x = "1950-7-1", tooltip = "", text = "Korea")
,list(x = "1965-1-1", tooltip = "", text = "Vietnam")
annotator <- function(x,y){
d = do.call(dyAnnotation,modifyList(list(dygraph=x),y))
dyG = Reduce( annotator, tooltips, init=dyG )
#this is a hack to set css directly
# dyCSS designed to read a text css file
dyG$x$css = "
/* if cssClass not assigned use .dygraphDefaultAnnotation */
/* !important is critical for the rules to be applied */
.dygraphDefaultAnnotation {
overflow: visible !important;
width: initial !important;
border: none !important;
font-size: 200% !important;