I have a COM server (C++/STA (MFC based app)) and a COM client (C#/MTA). The COM server must live in an STA, since it\'s an MFC app (I have no choice in this matter). The client
No matter how much I twist and turn, I cannot remove myself of the STA context within the app when I'm being called from the client. It doesn't matter if I host the server object in an MTA, I still have to obey the laws of COM. The STA is a really nasty "correctional facility" in this case. I'm doing hard time...
This has led me to a rather ugly path, but it works. Instead of using COM to communicate back to the client, I'm hand rolling my own communications path to the MTA that hosts the server object and the callback references. I'm basically creating my own marshalling code by setting up a call queue (STL container with parameters to send), which the MTA thread picks up and delivers to the client. The response is then returned to the code that's responding to the initial call. Synchronization is done using Win32 event objects.
Luckily, there aren't many callbacks I have to cover, and the nature of the mechanism is static, and will only be used for my own purposes (will not be run in a production environment).
Wheew... Sometimes I wonder what life would've been if I chose to become a carpenter instead.