I need an Http request that I can use in .Net which takes under 100 ms. I\'m able to achieve this in my browser so I really don\'t see why this is such a problem in code.
When benchmarking, it is best to discard at least the first two timings as they are likely to skew the results:
Timings after this will reflect repeat performance much better.
The following is an example of a test harness that will automatically disregard JIT and optimization passes, and run a test a set number of iterations before taking an average to assert performance. As you can see the JIT pass takes a substantial amount of time.
Average over 10 iterations:0.38ms
public void WebRequest_Should_Get_Html_Quickly()
private const int TestIterations = 10;
private const int MaxMilliseconds = 100;
Action test = () =>
AssertTimedTest(TestIterations, MaxMilliseconds, test);
private static void AssertTimedTest(int iterations, int maxMs, Action test)
double jit = Execute(test); //disregard jit pass
Console.WriteLine("JIT:{0:F2}ms.", jit);
double optimize = Execute(test); //disregard optimize pass
Console.WriteLine("Optimize:{0:F2}ms.", optimize);
double totalElapsed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) totalElapsed += Execute(test);
double averageMs = (totalElapsed / iterations);
Console.WriteLine("Average:{0:F2}ms.", averageMs);
Assert.Less(averageMs, maxMs, "Average elapsed test time.");
private static double Execute(Action action)
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
return stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;