I have a requirement to access the HttpContext.Current from with-in a RESTful WCF service. I know I am able to achieve this by adding the following to config:
After digging around with Reflector, I was able to set the AspNetCompatibilityEnabled flag using reflection. This approach has obvious drawbacks, but it did the job for me:
// get the ServiceHostingEnvironmentSection by calling an internal static method
var section = (ServiceHostingEnvironmentSection)typeof(ServiceHostingEnvironmentSection).GetMethod("UnsafeGetSection", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(null, null);
// set the read-only flag to false so values can be updated
typeof(ServiceHostingEnvironmentSection).BaseType.BaseType.GetField("_bReadOnly", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(section, false);
// set the AspNetCompatibilityEnabled value
section.AspNetCompatibilityEnabled = true;
// now one can add a Service Route
routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("MyRoutePrefix", new ServiceHostFactory(), typeof(MyService)));