When performing a factor analysis using factanal the usual result is some loadings table plus several other information. Is there a direct way to use these loadings to create a
A similar question was asked on Psych SE.
There, I provide a function in case you want to generate factor scores for new data.
I wrote the following function that takes the fit object returned by factanal
and new data that you provide (e.g., a data frame or matrix with identical variable names).
score_new_data <- function(fit, data) {
z <- as.matrix(scale(data[,row.names(fit$correlation)]))
z %*% solve(fit$correlation, fit$loadings)
So for example,
bfi <- na.omit(bfi)
variables <- c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4")
data <- bfi[,variables]
fit <- factanal(data, factors = 2, scores = "regression", rotation = "varimax")
This is a typical factor analysis.
And now supply some new data along with the fit of the factor analysis:
score_new_data(fit, data[1:5, ])
And it generates the following:
> score_new_data(fit, data[1:5, ])
Factor1 Factor2
61623 1.5022427 0.5457393
61629 -0.6817812 -0.9755466
61634 -0.2901822 0.1051234
61640 0.5429929 -0.4955180
61661 -1.0732722 0.8202019