I moved from a company that adopted Agile to the tee to another company which follows the traditional methodologies.
Perhaps the biggest difference I have seen is that the second company struggles to prioritize. There is so much work on each person's plate that they fail to deliver on time. IMO, Agile brings about some transparency to the situation and lets the team as a whole prioritize.
A scrum master in the Agile world would take care of fire-fighting and be the voice of the (sprint) team. In fact, in the first company (where we had a separate scrum master and program manager), the scrum master would fight it out with the program manager when the latter makes false promises to the management. Meaning, the scrum master knows how much a team can produce/deliver after a few sprints, which helps her nail down on the predictability of a team.
I also noticed that the R&D resources have a sense of accomplishment at the end of each cycle, and are looking forward to the next one. But then, a good project manager could get this done in traditional scenarios as well.