For a regular .exe file i can always right click and select \"run as..\". How can i run a Click-Once application under different credentials in a similar way?
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This is actually possible, you just need to do it in two steps. First you'll need to launch ClickOnce (dfsvc.exe
) as the user you are trying to impersonate and then you can launch the deploy application using rundll32
, something like this:
(From the command line)
1.- Click once:
runas /user:domain\user "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\dfsvc.exe"
2.- Launch app:
runas /user:domain\user "rundll32 c:\Windows\System32\dfshim.dll,ShOpenVerbApplication"
Note that you only need to run dfsvc.exe once if you need to launch multiple apps and it will go away after a while once you close all your impersonated click once applications.