I have a string in this form:
url(\"http://www.example.com/imgs/backgrounds/bg80.jpg\") repeat scroll 10% 0% transparent
This is from a CSS sty
So here's a cleaned up version that only focuses on images & converts found images relative paths to absolute. This way you can preload easily. This code creates an array with original URL and absolute URL. You can simply loop through the result and preload the absolute URL images
var myString = " \
background: url(../images/magnifier-ico.png) no-repeat left center; \
background: url(../../images/globe-ico.png) no-repeat; \
background: url(../images/magnifier-ico.png) no-repeat left center; \
var myRegexp = /(?:\(['|"]?)(.*?\.(png|jpg|gif|jpeg|tiff){1})(?:['|"]?\))/gi;
// Set location of CSS file being read
var cssFile = "/css/mobile/style.css";
// Figure out depth of the css file in relation to root
var cssPath = cssFile.split("/").filter(function(item){return item.length>0;});
var depth = (cssPath.length);
// Array to store found images
var images = [];
// Start search
var match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
while (match) {
// get image
var foundImage = match[1];
// Look for next one
match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
// Convert relative path to absolute
var relativeDepth = 0;
var pathRegexp = /\.\.\//gi;
var pathMatch = pathRegexp.exec(foundImage);
pathMatch = pathRegexp.exec(foundImage);
// Strip the relativity
var pathlessImage = foundImage.split("../").join("");
// Now to the final conversion
var absolute = "";
for(var i=0;i
Here's working JSbin http://jsbin.com/nalimaruvu/2/