Is it possible with Google Maps API to highlight streets?
The only thing i could find that was close to this effect was drawing lines over them.
But this is a lot of work a
This can actually be done quite easily by using the Maps API directions renderer.
You have to provide the lat/long coordinates of the starting and ending point of your street, and the renderer does all the calculation and painting for you. You do NOT need to read in the direction steps and draw the polyline yourself!
See it in action here:
This is the code, all magic is done in function initialize():
If your street is curved and the renderer should find a shortcut that you did not intend, this can easily be amended by adding intermediate waypoints to force the drawn line exactly to your desired street:
var request = {
origin: "48.1252,11.5407",
destination: "48.13376,11.5535",
waypoints: [{location:"48.12449,11.5536"}, {location:"48.12515,11.5569"}],
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING