I want to load all the pictures from the galley to my app by using MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA , but it is deprecated. So, what is the other way to load them?
I use this
I finally solved the problem by creating this class
class FileHelper {
val mediaType = "multipart/form-data".toMediaTypeOrNull()
fun getPartBodyFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri): MultipartBody.Part {
val realPath = getPathFromURI(context, uri)
val fileImage = createFile(realPath)
val requestBody = createRequestBody(fileImage)
return createPart(fileImage, requestBody)
private fun createFile(realPath: String): File {
return File(realPath)
private fun createRequestBody(file: File): RequestBody {
return file.asRequestBody(mediaType)
private fun createPart(file: File, requestBody: RequestBody): MultipartBody.Part {
return MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("imageFile", file.name, requestBody)
private fun getPathFromURI(context: Context, uri: Uri): String {
var realPath = String()
uri.path?.let { path ->
val databaseUri: Uri
val selection: String?
val selectionArgs: Array?
if (path.contains("/document/image:")) { // files selected from "Documents"
databaseUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI
selection = "_id=?"
selectionArgs = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri).split(":")[1])
} else { // files selected from all other sources, especially on Samsung devices
databaseUri = uri
selection = null
selectionArgs = null
try {
val column = "_data"
val projection = arrayOf(column)
val cursor = context.contentResolver.query(
cursor?.let {
if (it.moveToFirst()) {
val columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column)
realPath = cursor.getString(columnIndex)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return realPath
Media.DATA it's deprecate and "MediaStore.Images.Media._ID" to get the correct column, not working so I create column I need
val column = "_data"
val projection = arrayOf(column)
then I use getColumnIndexOrThrow() method to get correct index
val columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column)
realPath = cursor.getString(columnIndex)