I have been trying to insert emoji in textarea exactly where the cursor is at. I looked around how tos
in the web could not find anything specific in VUE JS. Most o
// methods:
insertSomething: function(insert) {
const self = this;
var tArea = this.$refs.yourTextarea;
// filter:
if (0 == insert) {
if (0 == cursorPos) {
// get cursor's position:
var startPos = tArea.selectionStart,
endPos = tArea.selectionEnd,
cursorPos = startPos,
tmpStr = tArea.value;
// insert:
self.txtContent = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + insert + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
// move cursor:
setTimeout(() => {
cursorPos += insert.length;
tArea.selectionStart = tArea.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
}, 10);