I saw the ideal tick-mark structure for a log=\"y\"
plot in this paper, Figure 3b 3c 3d.
It has short, log-spaced minor tick marks without labels, plus long
In base R just build the axes however you want. Something like this could be a start.
d <- data.frame(x=1:100, y=rlnorm(100, meanlog=5, sdlog=3))
with(d, {
plot(x, y, log="y", yaxt="n")
y1 <- floor(log10(range(y)))
pow <- seq(y1[1], y1[2]+1)
ticksat <- as.vector(sapply(pow, function(p) (1:10)*10^p))
axis(2, 10^pow)
axis(2, ticksat, labels=NA, tcl=-0.25, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1)
In lattice
, the latticeExtra
package has the capability:
xyplot(y~x, data=d, scales=list(y=list(log=10)),