I am trying to figure out how I can send errors to my email in Laravel 5. I haven\'t had much luck finding any good resources.
There used to be good packages like: http
I expanded on West55's answer, to include some request info in the email. Useful to know, especially when you want to try and duplicate the error yourself. It's wrapped in a try/catch just to make sure we don't throw another exception while getting request info.
public function report(Exception $e)
if ($e instanceof Exception){
$debugSetting = \Config::get('app.debug');
// email err if debug off (in prod env)
if (!$debugSetting){
\Config::set('app.debug', true);
if (ExceptionHandler::isHttpException($e)) {
$content = ExceptionHandler::toIlluminateResponse(ExceptionHandler::renderHttpException($e), $e);
} else {
$content = ExceptionHandler::toIlluminateResponse(ExceptionHandler::convertExceptionToResponse($e), $e);
\Config::set('app.debug', $debugSetting);
$lc2 = (isset($content->original)) ? $content->original : $e->getMessage();
// add request info to err msg
$lc1= '';
$request= request();
"" .
"-- Request --
" .
Method: " . $request->getMethod() .
Uri: " . $request->getUri() .
Ip: " . $request->getClientIp() .
Referer: " . $request->server('HTTP_REFERER') .
Is secure: " . $request->isSecure() .
Is ajax: " . $request->ajax() .
User agent: " . $request->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT') .
" . nl2br(htmlentities($request->getContent())) .
}catch (Exception $e2){}
if (strpos($lc2, '
') !== false){ $lc2= str_replace('', $lc1 . '', $lc2); }else{ $lc2.= $lc1; } $la2['content']= $lc2; //put into array for blade $ln1= Mail::send('emails.exception2', $la2, function($m){ $m->to('support@mydomain.com') ->subject('Fatal Error'); }); } } parent::report($e); }