Say I have two 2D vectors, one for an objects current position and one for that objects previous position. How can I work out the angular direction of travel?
This image
Be careful to use atan2 to avoid quadrant issues and division by zero. That's what it's there for.
float getAngle(CGPoint ptA, CGPoint ptOrigin, CGPoint ptB)
CGPoint A = makeVec(ptOrigin, ptA);
CGPoint B = makeVec(ptOrigin, ptB);
// angle with +ve x-axis, in the range (−π, π]
float thetaA = atan2(A.x, A.y);
float thetaB = atan2(B.x, B.y);
float thetaAB = thetaB - thetaA;
// get in range (−π, π]
while (thetaAB <= - M_PI)
thetaAB += 2 * M_PI;
while (thetaAB > M_PI)
thetaAB -= 2 * M_PI;
return thetaAB;
However, if you don't care about whether it's a +ve or -ve angle, just use the dot product rule (less CPU load):
float dotProduct(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2) { return p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y; }
float getAngle(CGPoint A, CGPoint O, CGPoint B)
CGPoint U = makeVec(O, A);
CGPoint V = makeVec(O, B);
float magU = vecGetMag(U);
float magV = vecGetMag(V);
float magUmagV = magU * magV; assert (ABS(magUmagV) > 0.00001);
// U.V = |U| |V| cos t
float cosT = dotProduct(U, V) / magUmagV;
float theta = acos(cosT);
return theta;
Note that in either code section above, if one ( or both ) vectors are close to 0 length this is going to fail. So you might want to trap that somehow.