In Linux, the load average is said to be on 1min/5min/15min. The formula used by the kernel is actually an Exponential moving average.
If we define cpuload(1)
Consider a particular load sample active(K), and how much that sample contributes to cpuload(K+d), for increasing values of d. There are a few key observations:
Together, these points mean that there is some dmin such that, for d>dmin, active(K)W(d)=0 and so active(K) has no influence on cpuload(K+d). In short, cpuload(n) is only influenced by dmin previous samples.
Another way to look at this is that cpuload(n) forgets data after a time defined by
This final interpretation gives the meaning of the 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute load averages. The decay and the sampling interval are chosen so that these load averages forget the past after 1, 5, and 15 minutes respectively.