What are my options to workaround the fact that R6 does not support multiple inheritance?
I know that R is primarily a fun
For those interested:
I gave it a second thought and realized that's it's not really multiple inheritance per se that I want/need, but rather some sort of better mimicking the use of interfaces/abstract classes without giving up inherit
for that.
So I tried tweaking R6 a bit so it would allow me to distinguish between inherit
and implement
in a call to R6Class
Probably tons of reasons why this is a bad idea, but for now, it gets the job done ;-)
You can install the tweaked version from my forked branch.
devtools::install_github("rappster/R6", ref = "feat_interface")
Correct implementation of interface and "standard inheritance":
IFoo <- R6Class("IFoo",
public = list(foo = function() stop("I'm the inferace method"))
BaseClass <- R6Class("BaseClass",
public = list(foo = function(n = 1) private$x[1:n])
Foo <- R6Class("Foo", implement = IFoo, inherit = BaseClass,
private = list(x = letters)
> Foo$new()
Implements interface:
Inherits from:
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
foo: function (n = 1)
x: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
When an interface is not implemented correctly (i.e. method not implemented):
Bar <- R6Class("Bar", implement = IFoo,
private = list(x = letters)
> Bar$new()
Error in Bar$new() :
Non-implemented interface method: foo
This is a little draft that elaborates a bit on the motivation and possible implementation approaches for interfaces and inversion of dependency in R6.