Fastest way to calculate primes in C#?

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孤独总比滥情好 2021-02-03 09:56

I actually have an answer to my question but it is not parallelized so I am interested in ways to improve the algorithm. Anyway it might be useful as-is for some people.

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-03 10:34

    Parallelisation aside, you don't want to be calculating sqrt(Until) on every iteration. You also can assume multiples of 2, 3 and 5 and only calculate for N%6 in {1,5} or N%30 in {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}.

    You should be able to parallelize the factoring algorithm quite easily, since the Nth stage only depends on the sqrt(n)th result, so after a while there won't be any conflicts. But that's not a good algorithm, since it requires lots of division.

    You should also be able to parallelize the sieve algorithms, if you have writer work packets which are guaranteed to complete before a read. Mostly the writers shouldn't conflict with the reader - at least once you've done a few entries, they should be working at least N above the reader, so you only need a synchronized read fairly occasionally (when N exceeds the last synchronized read value). You shouldn't need to synchronize the bool array across any number of writer threads, since write conflicts don't arise (at worst, more than one thread will write a true to the same place).

    The main issue would be to ensure that any worker being waited on to write has completed. In C++ you'd use a compare-and-set to switch to the worker which is being waited for at any point. I'm not a C# wonk so don't know how to do it that language, but the Win32 InterlockedCompareExchange function should be available.

    You also might try an actor based approach, since that way you can schedule the actors working with the lowest values, which may be easier to guarantee that you're reading valid parts of the the sieve without having to lock the bus on each increment of N.

    Either way, you have to ensure that all workers have got above entry N before you read it, and the cost of doing that is where the trade-off between parallel and serial is made.
