I want to access a C function that returns a struct containing double arrays (where the lengths of these arrays is given by other int members of the struct) from python. The dec
An equivalent to the SWIG created module using ctypes
looks as follows:
from ctypes import *
from numpy import *
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("_get_element.so")
class ELEMENT(Structure):
_fields_ = [("dim", c_int),
("vertices", c_int),
("quadrature_degree", c_int),
("polynomial_degree", c_int),
("ngi", c_int),
("quadrature_familiy", c_int),
("weight", POINTER(c_double)),
("l", POINTER(c_double)),
("n", POINTER(c_double)),
("dn", POINTER(c_double))]
cget_element = lib.get_element
cget_element.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, POINTER(ELEMENT)]
cget_element.restype = None
def get_element(dim, vertices, quad_degree, poly_degree):
cget_element(dim, vertices, quad_degree, poly_degree, byref(e))
weight = asarray([e.weight[i] for i in xrange(e.ngi)], dtype=float64)
l = asarray([e.l[i] for i in xrange(e.ngi*e.dim)], dtype=float64).reshape((e.ngi,e.dim))
n = asarray([e.n[i] for i in xrange(e.ngi*e.vertices)], dtype=float64).reshape((e.ngi,e.vertices))
dn = asarray([e.dn[i] for i in xrange(e.ngi*e.vertices*e.dim)], dtype=float64).reshape((e.ngi,e.vertices,e.dim))
return weight, l, n, dn