I use a WebBrowser object from WPF and I\'m calling some Javascript code in the page loaded in the browser like this:
myWebBrowser.InvokeScript(\"myJsFunc\", new
You need to convert the array to a JS array first, something that looks like this:
["John", "Bob", "Sue"] // literal array
Two examples follow:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string[] stringArray = bar.ToArray();
//Build the JS array.
sb.Append( "[");
for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.Length; i++)
sb.AppendFormat( "'{0}', ", stringArray[i] );
sb.Append( "]");
// Now send the array to the JS function.
myWebBrowser.InvokeScript("myJsFunc", new object[] { foo.Text, sb.ToString() });
You may want to remove the trailing , as well. Don't forget to import the appropriate libraries for StringBuilder, which I think is System.Text.StringBuilder;
or use, example two:
string[] stringArray = bar.ToArray();
// or simpler to use string join.
string jsArray = "[" + String.Join( ",", stringArray ) + "]";
myWebBrowser.InvokeScript("myJsFunc", new object[] { foo.Text, jsArray });