I\'m going completely crazy:
Installed Hadoop/Hbase, all is running;
23261 ThriftServer
22582 QuorumPeerMain
21969 NameNode
Step 1: First will check the HBase Master node is running or not by using "jps" commands.
Step 2: using "stop-all.sh" command to stop the all running services on Hadoop cluster.
For more inofrmation about this issue:
Step 3: using "start-all.sh" command to start all running services.
Step 4: using "jps" command to check the services if it showing HBase master working then fine otherwise will do below steps:
Step 5: Goto root user using "sudo su"
Step 6: Goto hbase shell file path: "cd /usr/lib/habse-1.2.6-hadoop/bin/start-hbase.sh"
Step 7: Open the hbase shell using "hbase shell" command
Step 8: use "list" command.