I am using log4j for logging, and a property file for configuration. Currently, my log files are too big (3.5 GB is too large for a log file). So think I need to use Ro
I believe I have just misconfigured it; does anyone have a working example of configuring RollingFileAppender?
This seems to work fine for me @mcherm. See below.
Are you sure that you are using the log4j.properties that you think you are? Try changing the .File
to another path to see if log output goes to the new file. What version of log4j are you using? I'm running 1.2.15.
Hope this helps.
I created the following test program:
package com.j256.ormlite;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Foo {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Foo.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int x = 0; x < 10000000; x++) {
logger.error("goodness this shouldn't be happening to us right here!!!!");
My log4j.properties file holds:
log4j.rootCategory=ALL, MAIN_LOG
Notice that I removed the DatePattern which wasn't valid for my RollingFileAppender. My layout is:
package com.j256.ormlite;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
public class Log4JSimpleLayout extends org.apache.log4j.Layout {
public String format(LoggingEvent event) {
return "log message = " + event.getMessage().toString() + "\n";
public boolean ignoresThrowable() {
return true;
public void activateOptions() {
Running with -Dcatalina.base=/tmp/
I get files in /tmp/logs/
which go up to index #5 and are 10mb in size. If I tune the MaxFileSize
or the MaxBackupIndex
, it adjusts appropriately.