I really like the way that ValidateSet
works. It proposes the options as a list while you type your Cmdlet in the PowerShell ISE.
I would like to know if i
I prefer TabExpansion++ module though this doesn't technically validate, it has some nice functionality...
Here's an example of an msbuild overloaded command to add some intellisense for projects
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName "msbuild" -ParameterName "target" -ScriptBlock {
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
$projectName = $fakeBoundParameter['project']
$projectFile = Join-Path (Get-Location) $projectName
$projectXml = [xml](Get-Content $projectFile)
$targets = $projectXml.Project.Target | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToString().StartsWith($wordToComplete) }
foreach($target in $projectXml.Project.Target)
New-CompletionResult -CompletionText "$($target.Name)"