For a given binary tree, find the largest subtree which is also binary search tree?
GetLargestSortedBinarySubtree(thisNode, ref OverallBestTree)
if thisNode == null
Return null
LeftLargest = GetLargestSortedBinarySubtree(thisNode.LeftNode, ref OverallBestTree)
RightLargest = GetLargestSortedBinarySubtree(thisNode.RightNode, ref OverallBestTree)
if LeftLargest.Max < thisNode.Value & RightLargest.Min > thisNode.Value
currentBestTree = new BinaryTree(LeftLargest, thisNode.Value, RightLargest)
else if LeftLargest.Max < thisNode.Value
currentBestTree = new BinaryTree(LeftLargest, thisNode.Value, null)
else if RightLargest.Min > thisNode.Value
currentBestTree = new BinaryTree(null, thisNode.Value, RightLargest)
currentBestTree = new BinaryTree(null, thisNode.Value, null)
if (currentBestTree.Size > OverallBestTree.Size)
OverallBestTree = currentBestTree
return currentBestTree
As BlueRaja pointed out, this algorithm is not correct.
It should really be called GetLargestSortedBinarySubtreeThatCanBeRecursivelyConstructedFromMaximalSortedSubtrees