I\'m trying to plot radar data in folium, and I\'m almost there. I followed this example (Contour plot data (lat,lon,value) within boundaries and export GeoJSON) to get my data
I think I figured it out. In my previous code, polygon.get_facecolor() returns a list of RGBA values ranging from 0-1. I added this function (modified from this post):
def convert_to_hex(rgba_color) :
red = str(hex(int(rgba_color[0]*255)))[2:].capitalize()
green = str(hex(int(rgba_color[1]*255)))[2:].capitalize()
blue = str(hex(int(rgba_color[2]*255)))[2:].capitalize()
if blue=='0':
blue = '00'
if red=='0':
red = '00'
if green=='0':
return '#'+ red + green + blue
to convert it to a hex string. Then:
gdf['RGBA'] = convert_to_hex(colors)
Then to plot the colors in folium, I do:
maploc = folium.Map(location=[42.377157,-71.236088],zoom_start=10,tiles="Stamen Toner")
colors = []
style_function=lambda feature: {
'fillColor': feature['properties']['RGBA'],
'color' : feature['properties']['RGBA'],
'weight' : 1,
'fillOpacity' : 0.5,
and that created a really nice looking plot! (The property name is a bit misleading - it's not actually RGBA values, but hex strings.)