I\'m looking for a solution for the following problem: how to change the size of a Bitmap
to a fixed size (for example 512x128). The aspect ratio of the bitmap conte
I have stumbled upon the same problem a number of times in my projects and each time due to lack of time (and laziness) I would be satisfied with a less than optimum solution. But recently I found some time to crack down this particular issue. Here is my solution and I hope it helps someone down the line...
Bitmap scaleDownLargeImageWithAspectRatio(Bitmap image)
int imaheVerticalAspectRatio,imageHorizontalAspectRatio;
float bestFitScalingFactor=0;
float percesionValue=(float) 0.2;
//getAspect Ratio of Image
int imageHeight=(int) (Math.ceil((double) image.getHeight()/100)*100);
int imageWidth=(int) (Math.ceil((double) image.getWidth()/100)*100);
int GCD=BigInteger.valueOf(imageHeight).gcd(BigInteger.valueOf(imageWidth)).intValue();
Log.i("scaleDownLargeImageWIthAspectRatio","Image Dimensions(W:H): "+imageWidth+":"+imageHeight);
Log.i("scaleDownLargeImageWIthAspectRatio","Image AspectRatio(W:H): "+imageHorizontalAspectRatio+":"+imaheVerticalAspectRatio);
//getContainer Dimensions
int displayWidth = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();
int displayHeight = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();
//I wanted to show the image to fit the entire device, as a best case. So my ccontainer dimensions were displayWidth & displayHeight. For your case, you will need to fetch container dimensions at run time or you can pass static values to these two parameters
int leftMargin = 0;
int rightMargin = 0;
int topMargin = 0;
int bottomMargin = 0;
int containerWidth = displayWidth - (leftMargin + rightMargin);
int containerHeight = displayHeight - (topMargin + bottomMargin);
Log.i("scaleDownLargeImageWIthAspectRatio","Container dimensions(W:H): "+containerWidth+":"+containerHeight);
//iterate to get bestFitScaleFactor per constraints
while((imageHorizontalAspectRatio*bestFitScalingFactor <= containerWidth) &&
(imaheVerticalAspectRatio*bestFitScalingFactor<= containerHeight))
//return bestFit bitmap
int bestFitHeight=(int) (imaheVerticalAspectRatio*bestFitScalingFactor);
int bestFitWidth=(int) (imageHorizontalAspectRatio*bestFitScalingFactor);
Log.i("scaleDownLargeImageWIthAspectRatio","bestFitScalingFactor: "+bestFitScalingFactor);
Log.i("scaleDownLargeImageWIthAspectRatio","bestFitOutPutDimesions(W:H): "+bestFitWidth+":"+bestFitHeight);
image=Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, bestFitWidth,bestFitHeight, true);
//Position the bitmap centre of the container
int leftPadding=(containerWidth-image.getWidth())/2;
int topPadding=(containerHeight-image.getHeight())/2;
Bitmap backDrop=Bitmap.createBitmap(containerWidth, containerHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
Canvas can = new Canvas(backDrop);
can.drawBitmap(image, leftPadding, topPadding, null);
return backDrop;