I am a strongly-typed language supporter but I am working on a big PHP project.
I have been using PhpStorm and I love the extra type hinting you can provide, with commen
If you want to check your code for type mismatches you can use Phantm. You can use this with Jenkins or use with svn hook post-commit.
From official site
Phantm is a tool written in Scala that can be used to detect potential programming errors inside PHP applications. It will both work for small isolated script as well as full-blown applications. phantm stands for “PHp ANalyzer for Type Mistakes”.
Phantm needs
Java 1.6 or higher
Scala 2.9.1 or higher
$ ./phantm
Another way for checks your php code for type mismatches is PHPLint. You can use it with Jenkins, svn or another tools.
From official site
PHPLint is a validator and documentator for PHP 4 and PHP 5 programs. PHPLint extends the PHP language through transparent meta-code that can drive the parser to a even more strict check of the source. PHPLint is not simply a checker: it implements a new, strong typed, language implemented over the PHP language. You can build your programs from scratch with PHPLint in mind, or you can check and fix existing programs, or you can follow the quick-and-dirty PHP programming way and then add the PHPLint meta-code later once the program is finished. Whatever is the strategy you choose, PHPLint makes your programs safer, more secure, well documented and with drastically less bugs. PHPlint have nice online test tool.
More information about working with types by PHPLint
$ phplint
If you want to check your variables types using PHPStorm, you can use PHPDoc metadata. But much better use php for this: you can enable E_NOTICE for report uninitialized variables for catch variable name misspellings. After that you can use instance check at your functions:
* @param array $data - highlight for PHPStorm
* @param MySuperClass $row - highlight for PHPStorm
function(array $data, MySuperClass $row)
// Error if $data is not an array
// Error if $row is not instance of MySuperClass
/* do something .... */
* @param array $data - highlight for PHPStorm
* @param MySuperClass $row - highlight for PHPStorm
function($data, $row)
if (!is_array($data))
throw new TypeException('$data is must be array');
if (!($row instanceof MySuperClass))
throw new TypeException('$data is must be array');
I think is the best way for type checking, when developer is writing correct code using TDD method. Very good solution you can read at official php documentation or at PHPUnit official.