I gave up on Delphi\'s DBGrid nearly a decade ago because it is simply no good. Since then, I have used Virtual TreeView which offers a lot of value but it has a few issues. Lik
You could try ElTree that comes with the free SE Version of the LMD ElPack package: http://www.lmdinnovative.com/mfs/products/lmdelpack.php
It is described as:
ElTree is a fully customizable visual component, that can represent virtually any type data (both in hierarchical and list forms). It is excellent for exploring databases, directory structures, registries, or any other type of data that is built up like a tree. You don't need to use the combination of TTreeView and TListView anymore - TElTree gives you all their power. ElTree is also very useful for building multi-columned list boxes, radio groups and CheckLists. And it adds full Unicode support.
I've been using ElTree in my application for many years, both as as tree in one part of the program, and as a grid in several other parts. I took a look a while back at Virtual TreeView, but I saw no compelling reason to change.
LMD ElPack SE is designed for users, who are interested in the ElTree component only. I think it meets all your qualifications.
Its last supported IDE is Delphi 2006. If you need it for Delphi 2009, you would need to upgrade to one of their non-free packages.
See also the question: What is the best GRID and TREE control: and also my answer to that question.