I\'m creating a PHP Framework and I have some doubts...
The framework takes the url in this way:
It takes the first paramet
Yes, I think I know how to fix that.
(Disclaimer: I know that you know most of this but I am going to explain everything for others who may not know some of the gotchas)
There is a trick in php where if you go to a path like:
you will get "/controller/action" in the $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
Now what you need to do is take a .htaccess file (or equivalent) and make it tell your php script the current folder depth.
To do this, put the .htaccess file into the "mysubfolder"
.htaccess should contain:
RewriteEngine on
# if a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule (.*) index.php/$1
(I used the yii framework manual as reference, I also recommend using the html5 boilerplate)
Basically you set it up to redirect everything to index.php at a specific point in the url.
Now if you visit: http://web.com/mysubfolder/index.php/controller/action
Now you can get the right path "/controller/action" from $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
Except it's not going to have any value if you visit http://web.com/mysubfolder/ because the .htaccess file will ignore the rewrite because the http://web.com/mysubfolder/ path requests the mysubfolder/index.php which actually exists and gets denied thank yo RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
For this you can use this super handy function called ifsetor
(I don't remember where I got it)
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
What it does is take a reference to a variable that might or might not exist and provide a default if it does not exist without throwing any notices or errors
Now you can use it to take the PATH_INFO variable safely like so
In your index.php
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
$path = ifsetor($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],'/');
php 5.4 also has this new shorter ternary format which you can use if you don't care about notices (I do)
$path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']?:'/';
Now tecnically you are not getting a URL, it is merely its path part and will not contain the query_string, for example when visiting
you will only get '/test' in the $path variable, to get the query string use the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
$path = ifsetor($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],'/');
$fullpath = ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])? $path.'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:$path;
But that might depend on your needs
Also keep in mind that the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
variable is different from the $_GET
variables because it keeps duplicate parameters from the query string, for example:
Visiting this page
if going to give you a $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
that looks like
While the $_GET
variable is going to be an array like this:
You can try using the SCRIPT_NAME to your advantage
list($url) = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
list($basepath) = explode('index.php',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$url = substr($url,strlen($basepath));
If you like to blow up stuff like me :)
Class Route
private $_htaccess = TRUE;
private $_suffix = ".jsp";
public function params()
//nombre del directorio actual del script ejecutandose.
if($this->_htaccess !== FALSE):
//no está funcionando bien si está en un subdirectorio web, por ej stynat.dyndns.org/subdir/
// muestra el "subdir" como primer parámetro
list($url) = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$basepath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$basepath = ($basepath==='/')? $basepath: $basepath.'/';
$url = substr($url,strlen($basepath));
$url = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$url = preg_replace('|^/|','',$url);
$url = explode('/',$url);
I hope this helps
P.S. Sorry for the late reply :(