The graph is very large but undirected. Edges are unweighted.
In my implementation, I have to find the vertex with max degree and do deletion on both vertexes and edges.
My suggestion would be to store the vertexes in a priority queue. That way you can have very fast access to the vertex with the highest degree. As for how to implement the vertexes, I would store each neighboring vertex in some kind of set data-structure such as a HashSet or a TreeSet to be able to remove stuff efficiently. I wouldn't represent the edges explicitly, it's not needed.
Code, something along the lines of:
class Graph {
PriorityQueue vertexes;
public Graph() {
vertexes = new PriorityQueue(10,new Vertex());
public Vertex maxDegreeVertex() {
return vertexes.peek();
class Vertex implements Comparator {
HashSet edges;
public Vertex() {
edges = new HashSet();
public compare(Vertex v1, Vertex v2) {
Hope this helps.