I have written a R script to get some map point data (Latitude and Longitude values). I am able to plot them in R and visualize them. But now I want to generate a KML file from
If you're willing to step outside R, there is a free program called DNRGarmin can take a comma separated file as a .txt and convert it to .kml for import into google earth.
You can find it here:
so in R:
my.geo.data <- all.my.data[ c("unique.id", "lats", "longs")]
write.csv( my.geo.data, file = "myGeoData.txt")
open DNRGarmin,
File -> Load From -> File -> myGeoData.txt Then, File -> Save to -> File -> myGeoData.kml
@rcs's advice re: WGS84 applies for this answer too.
Good luck