I try to show the show video (.mp4) with exoplayer in RecyclerView and ViewPager. I show the video controller with custom layo
Exoplayer doesn't provide the fullscreen so here is the workaround that worked for me. Here I have restricted the Screen to rotate and manually changing the orientation programmatically change the width and height of the player_view and has set the visibility of the toolbar gone. Used Data Binding and Kotlin.
Follows a code block for XML
Changes in Android Manifest
Check the orientation and rotate it via the following code
mBinding.playerView.exo_fullscreen_btn.setOnClickListener {
if ((activity as TrainingVideoActivity).checkLandscapeOrientation()) {
(activity as TrainingVideoActivity).changeOrientationToLandscape(false)
} else {
(activity as TrainingVideoActivity).changeOrientationToLandscape(true)
Methods Signature are following
* Changes the Orientation
* @param shouldLandscape
fun changeOrientationToLandscape(shouldLandscape: Boolean) {
requestedOrientation = if (shouldLandscape) {
} else {
* Checks the Orientation
* And returns true if Landscape else false
fun checkLandscapeOrientation() : Boolean {
val orientation = resources.configuration.orientation
return orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
Now Just Override onConfigurationChanged method in your fragment/activity, since here I have used Fragment. So here I have changed the width/height of the parent container in which ExoplayerView is placed.
* Used for Showing Video on Full Screen
* @param newConfig
override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {
if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
mBinding.playerView.exo_fullscreen_btn.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(activity!!, R.drawable.ic_shrink))
val params = mBinding.videoPlayerContainer.layoutParams as ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams
params.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
params.height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
mBinding.videoPlayerContainer.layoutParams = params
} else {
mBinding.playerView.exo_fullscreen_btn.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(activity!!, R.drawable.ic_fullscreen))
val params = mBinding.videoPlayerContainer.layoutParams as ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams
val factor = mBinding.playerView.context.resources.displayMetrics.density
params.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
params.height = (EXO_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT * factor).toInt()
mBinding.videoPlayerContainer.layoutParams = params
* Show the Toolbar and reset to original in the Portrait Mode
private fun showToolbarAndClearFullScreen() {
(activity as TrainingVideoActivity).supportActionBar!!.show()
(activity as TrainingVideoActivity).window.clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN)
Lastly, XML for the player_controller
Let me know if this works.