Similar to what the Spotify or Apple Music app does when a song is playing, it places a custom view on top of the UITabBar:
Unless I've misunderstood, you could create a custom view from your UITabBarController class. You can then insert it above and constrain it to the tabBar object, which is the tabBar association with the controller.
So from your UITabBarController class, create your custom view
class CustomTabBarController: UITabBarController {
var customView: UIView = {
let bar = UIView()
bar.backgroundColor = .white
bar.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return bar
In viewDidLoad() add your custom view to the UITabBarController's view object and place it above the tabBar object
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.insertSubview(customView, aboveSubview: tabBar)
Then after your custom view is added as a subView, add constraints so it's positioned correctly. This should also be done in viewDidLoad() but only after your view is inserted.
NSLayoutConstraint(item: customView, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: tabBar, attribute: .leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: customView, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: tabBar, attribute: .trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: customView, attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: tabBar, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1, constant: -50),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: customView, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: tabBar, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
There's a bunch of creative ways you can setup constraints to do what you want, but the constraints above should attach a view above your tabBar with a height of 50.