I\'m learning WPF.
I want to provide my own Main method in my App.xaml.cs rather than getting one generated for me in App.g.cs. However I keep getting conflicts because
I found the answer here. http://learnwpf.com/post/2007/12/13/How-can-I-provide-my-own-Main%28%29-method-in-my-WPF-application.aspx
It is:
The way WPF knows to create the Main() method for a particular xaml file is through the build action property set for App.xaml - it has a build action of ApplicationDefinition. By changing this to Page WPF won't create the Main method and you can provide your own in a regular class file you add to the project.
However in the comments to the above blog, a comment notes there may be issues with blend and it references: http://blogs.msdn.com/expression/archive/2008/04/09/creating-a-wpf-blend-project-that-loads-resources-in-code.aspx . I don't fully understand the issues yet.