I spent way too much time on this and I can\'t figure out a good 21th century solution.
Simply I have to generate a business card in PDF with a background image, but MPD
In case anyone else needs a background-cover in mPDF and is not helped by background-image-resize, which breaks as soon as it is wrapped by a floated element. Floated elements are often necessary within mPdf because of the abscence of css compliance. Here is a more robust solution for a circled image, with bg-cover simulated.
Get image orientation
function getImageOrientation(string $imgPath){
list($imgWidth,$imgHeight) = getimagesize($imgPath);
$aspectRatio = $imgWidth / $imgHeight;
if($aspectRatio >= 1){
return array('landscape',$imgWidth,$imgHeight,$aspectRatio);
return array('portrait',$imgWidth,$imgHeight,$aspectRatio);
Set own properties to simulate background-cover
public static function returnCircledImage($imgPath, int $size){
list($orientation,$imgWidth,$imgHeight, $aspectRatio) = getImageOrientation($imgPath);
if($orientation == 'landscape'){
$backgroundSize = 'auto 100%'; //fit height, keep aspect ratio
$calculatedWidth = floor($size * $aspectRatio);
$calculatedHeight = $size;
//position center manually
$dx = -floor(($calculatedWidth - $calculatedHeight) / 2);
$dy = 0;
$backgroundSize = '100% auto'; //fit width, keep aspect ratio
$calculatedWidth = $size;
$calculatedHeight = floor($size * $aspectRatio);
//position center manually
$dx = 0;
$dy = -floor(($calculatedHeight - $calculatedWidth) / 2);
return sprintf('