I realize that this is probably a very niche question, but has anyone had experience with working with continuous neural networks? I\'m specifically interested in what a continu
Feed forward neural networks are always "continuous" -- it's the only way that backpropagation learning actually works (you can't backpropagate through a discrete/step function because it's non-differentiable at the bias threshold).
You might have a discrete (e.g. "one-hot") encoding of the input or target output, but all of the computation is continuous-valued. The output may be constrained (i.e. with a softmax output layer such that the outputs always sum to one, as is common in a classification setting) but again, still continuous.
If you mean a network that predicts a continuous, unconstrained target -- think of any prediction problem where the "correct answer" isn't discrete, and a linear regression model won't suffice. Recurrent neural networks have at various times been a fashionable method for various financial prediction applications, for example.