My goal: In Pyramid, to call another view-callable, and to get a Response
object back without knowing any details about that view-callable.
In my Pyramid a
I was struggling with this as well. I have a solution using the render_to_response method, though I'm sure there's a "more correct" way to do it. Until someone posts it, however, here is how I handled this:
from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response
@view_config(route_name="foo", renderer="foo.mak")
def foo_view(request):
return {'stuff':'things', '_renderer':'foo.mak')
def bar_view(request):
values = foo_view(request)
renderer = values['_renderer']
return render_to_response(renderer,values)
(Pyramid 1.3)
This requires a renderer to be used, but by declaring that renderer in the original view's return values, you can retrieve it in another view without knowing what it is. I'm suspecting the need to do this isn't easily findable because there's other, better methods for accomplishing tasks solved by this solution.
Another shortcoming is that it relies on direct import of the view callable. It would be nice if it could be looked up directly by route.