I have an actor which creates a child actor to perform some lengthy computations.
The problem is that the initialization of the child actor takes a few seconds and all
Don't initialize the tagger
in the constructor, but in the preStart
hook, this way the messages will be collected in the message box and delivered, when the actor is ready.
You should do the same for the actor creation in your ParentActor
class, because you would have the same problem, if the ChildActor
would respond, before the ParentActor
is initialized.
I created a simple example, but I was not able to reproduce your problems. Following code works perfectly fine:
import akka.actor._
case class Tag(x: String)
class ChildActor extends Actor {
type Tagger = String => String
var tagger: Tagger = _
override def preStart() = {
tagger = (x: String) => x+"@tagged" // this takes a few seconds to complete
Thread.sleep(2000) // simulate time taken to initialize Tagger
def receive = {
case Tag(text) => sender ! tagger(text)
case "hello" => println("Hello")
case _ => println("Unknown message")
class ParentActor extends Actor {
var child: ActorRef = _
override def preStart() = {
child = context.actorOf(Props[ChildActor], name = "childactor")
// When I add
// Thread.sleep(5000)
// here messages are processed without problems
// wihout hardcoding the 5 seconds waiting
// the below two messages seem to get lost
child ! "hello"
child ! Tag("This is my sample text")
def receive = {
case x => println(x)
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
Output is:
[info] Running Main
This is my sample text@tagged