Do any of the XML libraries in NPM support the validation of XML against an XSD schema?
I would look myself, but:
$ npm search xml 2>/dev/null | wc -l
Hij1nx (Paolo Fragomeni) pointed me at
After half an hour of trying to figure out the API, I have a solution:
var x = require('libxmljs');
var xsd = ' '
var xsdDoc = x.parseXmlString(xsd);
var xml0 = ' ';
var xmlDoc0 = x.parseXmlString(xml0);
var xml1 = ' ';
var xmlDoc1 = x.parseXmlString(xml1);
var result0 = xmlDoc0.validate(xsdDoc);
console.log("result0:", result0);
var result1 = xmlDoc1.validate(xsdDoc);
console.log("result1:", result1);
This produces the output:
result0: true
result1: false
I have no idea whether/how this will work with schemas which reference other schemas via URIs.