I\'m using Java, Selenium, and Chrome for test automation. Our developers recently upgraded our UI from AngularJS to Angular2 (not sure if that matters). But since then, sendKey
the behavior also occurs and is even worse: I see that the character is typed in and suddenly after that it disappears. A workaround is to be persistent and just try it again. And again. Until the character is finally typed in.
// Type in every single character
for (int i = 0; i < textToType.length(); i++) {
boolean typingCharacterWasSuccessful = false;
// If typing was not successful before, just type again
while (!typingCharacterWasSuccessful) {
// Type in the character
char singleCharacterToType = textToType.charAt(i);
// Wait a little. Maybe alternatively/additionally wait.until(...)
// Check typed in string.
String inputValueAfterTyping = htmlTextfeld.getAttribute("value");
if (inputValueAfterTyping.length() > i + 1) {
// Alternatively: delete everything and start all over
throw new Exception("Input value too long. Maybe character typed in twice!?");
// Typing was successful if the value in the input field is as expected (up to now)
= inputValueAfterTyping.equals(textToType.substring(0, i + 1));