I\'m trying to deploy an API (made in Node) at Vercel (https://vercel.com, before Now) from the CLI. But when I deploy the app, I open the site and the result is just the files
yarn global add now@latest
to install the CLInow.json
file and paste this{
"version": 2,
"builds": [{
"src": "./server.js",
"use": "@now/node-server"
"routes": [{"handle": "filesystem"},
"src": "/.*",
"dest": "server.js"
Note: Change "src": "server.js",
&& "dest":"server.js"
to your server entry file.
Add it to .gitignore
Then run now
in the CLI to deploy.
If you are deploying to production use now --prod
command in the CLI to deploy
Here is an example server that I deployed: https://vercel-example-server.now.sh.