I have written the following query to get the last executed SQL statement in the oracle database for a particular session. The SQL text does not contain the actual value of the
if you are in sqlplus you can execute
select * from table
( dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null,null, 'ADVANCED'));
or if you are looking for SQL executed by someone else just put in their the SQL_ID and child cursor #:
select * from table
( dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('sql_id',child_cursor#, 'ADVANCED'));
as in
select * from table
( dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('a18asdr99x',0, 'ADVANCED'));
This method shows the only shows peeked bind variables. The only dependable way is tracing with bind variables
dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable(session_id => 127,
serial_num => 29,
waits => FALSE,
binds => TRUE)
but of course that has to be done before the query gets executed