I was looking for a portable script or command line program that can synchronize two MySQL databases schema. I am not looking for a GUI based solution because that can\'t be aut
I know it's an old question but it was the first result on google for what I was searching for (exact same thing as the initial question)
I found the answer still here but I don't remember the URL it's a script that started from:
mysqldump --skip-comments --skip-extended-insert -u root -p dbName1>file1.sql
mysqldump --skip-comments --skip-extended-insert -u root -p dbName2>file2.sql
diff file1.sql file2.sql
and ended up more like this
echo "Usage: dbdiff [user1:pass1@dbname1] [user2:pass2@dbname2] [ignore_table1:ignore_table2...]"
dump () {
up=${1%%@*}; user=${up%%:*}; pass=${up##*:}; dbname=${1##*@};
mysqldump --opt --compact --skip-extended-insert -u $user -p$pass $dbname $table > $2
rm -f /tmp/db.diff
# Compare
up=${1%%@*}; user=${up%%:*}; pass=${up##*:}; dbname=${1##*@};
for table in `mysql -u $user -p$pass $dbname -N -e "show tables" --batch`; do
if [ "`echo $3 | grep $table`" = "" ]; then
echo "Comparing '$table'..."
dump $1 /tmp/file1.sql
dump $2 /tmp/file2.sql
diff -up /tmp/file1.sql /tmp/file2.sql >> /tmp/db.diff
echo "Ignored '$table'..."
less /tmp/db.diff
rm -f /tmp/file1.sql /tmp/file2.sql