Power BI Dynamic Legend

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眼角桃花 2021-02-02 15:08

I\'m working with a geographical hierarchy. I\'d like for the Legend on my line or ribbon chart to show the next lowest relevant level of detail based upon a slicer selection.

  •  孤独总比滥情好
    2021-02-02 15:50

    Let's say I have some population data on the largest 20 US counties as follows:

    Data = DATATABLE(
           "Rank", INTEGER, "Region", STRING, "County", STRING, "State", STRING,
           "2010", INTEGER, "2012", INTEGER, "2014", INTEGER,
           {{1,"West","Los Angeles","California",9818605,9826773,9826773},
            {5,"West","San Diego","California",3095313,3105115,3105115},
            {8,"Northeast","Kings","New York",2504700,2508515,2508515},
            {10,"Northeast","Queens","New York",2230722,2233895,2233895},
            {12,"West","San Bernardino","California",2035210,2042027,2042027},
            {16,"West","Santa Clara","California",1781642,1786267,1786267},
            {20,"Northeast","New York","New York",1585873,1587481,1587481}

    Using this data as a source in the query editor, we will produce two tables. The first will be a Fact table that unpivots the years and looks like this for the top three counties:

    The second will be a Bridge table that's just a list of unique Region, State, County combinations:

    We'll create one final table using DAX. This will be our Legend table.

    Legend = UNION(SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Fact[Region], Fact[Rank], "Level", 1),
                 SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Fact[State], Fact[Rank],  "Level", 2),
                 SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Fact[County], Fact[Rank],  "Level", 3)

    Make sure the relationships are set on the Rank columns so that your relationship diagram looks like this:

    Now we'll write a measure that takes advantage of these levels that we just created in the Legend table.

    Measure = 
        VAR StateCount = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(Bridge[State]),
                             ALLSELECTED(Bridge), ALLSELECTED(Legend))
        VAR RegionCount = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(Bridge[Region]),
                              ALLSELECTED(Bridge), ALLSELECTED(Legend))
        VAR LevelNumber = SWITCH(TRUE(), StateCount = 1, 3, RegionCount = 1, 2, 1)
        RETURN CALCULATE(SUM(Fact[Population]), Legend[Level] = LevelNumber)

    Basically, we only want to show the population for the appropriate level.

    Using this measure on a line chart with Legend[Region] in the legend box and Fact[Year] on the axis, the result looks like this when slicers are left blank:

    When we select a region and then a state, we get the following:

    Here's a link to the PBIX file I created for this: Variable Legend.pbix

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