I am getting an error trying to type the parameters for my react component. I would like to stronly type what properties will be on the props and state of a component, but when
When using generics, you are getting the place of interfaces wrong:
When you declare your React component:
class Comp extends Component
With ICompProps
and ICompState
are your component's props and internal state respectively.
When you use connect:
represents what is returned by your mapStateToProps()
represents what is returned by your mapDispatchToProps()
represents your React component props (same as above)
represents your App's Redux State
So in your particular example:
When declaring your React component:
class SideMenu extends Component
Use ISideMenu
for the props and {}
(empty state) for the state as you don't use any state.
When using connect:
You can use ISideMenu
as both your React component props and the object returned by mapStateToProps
. But in practice it might be best to create 2 separate interfaces.
In my apps, I usually can't be bothered typing the mapStateToProps
return object so I simply use:
connect<{}, {}, ISideMenu, ISideMenuState>(mapStateToProps)(SideMenu);