Currently I am trying to learn the Zend Framework and therefore I bought the book \"Zend Framework in Action\".
In chapter 3, a basic model and controller is introduced
Ok, this is how I did it:
As IoC Framework I used this component of the symfony framework (but I didnt download the latest version, I used an older one I used on projects before... keep that in mind!). I added its classes under /library/ioc/lib/
I added these init function in my Bootstrap.php
in order to register the autoloader of the IoC framework:
protected function _initIocFrameworkAutoloader()
require_once(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Ioc/lib/sfServiceContainerAutoloader.php');
Next, I made some settings in application.ini
which set the path to the wiring xml and allow to disable automatic dependency injection e. g. in unit tests:
ioc.controllers.wiringXml = APPLICATION_PATH "/objectconfiguration/controllers.xml"
ioc.controllers.enableIoc = 1
Then, I created a custom builder class, which extends sfServiceContainerBuilder
and put it under /library/MyStuff/Ioc/Builder.php
. In this test project I keep all my classes under /library/MyStuff/
class MyStuff_Ioc_Builder extends sfServiceContainerBuilder
public function initializeServiceInstance($service)
$serviceClass = get_class($service);
$definition = $this->getServiceDefinition($serviceClass);
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call)
call_user_func_array(array($service, $call[0]), $this->resolveServices($this->resolveValue($call[1])));
if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator())
if (is_array($callable) && is_object($callable[0]) && $callable[0] instanceof sfServiceReference)
$callable[0] = $this->getService((string) $callable[0]);
elseif (is_array($callable))
$callable[0] = $this->resolveValue($callable[0]);
if (!is_callable($callable))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configure callable for class "%s" is not a callable.', get_class($service)));
call_user_func($callable, $service);
Last, I created a custom controller class in /library/MyStuff/Controller.php
which all my controllers inherit from:
class MyStuff_Controller extends Zend_Controller_Action {
* @override
public function dispatch($action)
// NOTE: the application settings have to be saved
// in the registry with key "config"
$config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$sc = new MyStuff_Ioc_Builder();
$loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileXml($sc);
What this basically does is using the IoC Framework in order to initialize the already created controller instance ($this
). Simple tests I did seemed to do what I want... let´s see how this performs in real life situations. ;)
It´s still monkey patching somehow, but the Zend Framework doesn´t seem to provide a hook where I can create the controller instance with a custom controller factory, so this is the best I came up with...